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C. H. Booth Library Minutes
Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
January 14, 2014

Present:  Tom D’Agostino, Robert Geckle, Colleen Honan, Bill McCarthy,  Ted Meehan, Jennifer Reilly, Martha Robilotti, Michelle Rosenthal, Peter Stern, Michael Talluto, John Trentacosta, and Beryl Harrison.  Librarians Brenda McKinley and Kim Weber in attendance.

Absent: Dan Cruson and  Mark Principi

Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm

Consideration of Minutes:

Bill McCarthy moved to accept the minutes from the December meeting.  John Trentacosta  seconded, and the motion was unanimously accepted.

Public Participation:
Invited guest, Alan Burger of Library Development Solutions shared information about his consulting business.  Details are listed under Search Process Committee report.

President’s Announcements: Martha Robilotti, President, distributed committee assignments to the Board Members.  Of note: all members of the Board are on the Fundraising Committee.

Treasurer’s Report: Bill McCarthy, Treasurer presented several documents:
1.  Statement of income and Expense for the Six Months Ending December 31, 2013.  Variances were explained, and a comparison of last year's Income and Expense was provided.  The large grant from Iron Mountain skews the numbers somewhat.  Overall, the income and expense from that grant cancel each other out.  Fundraising shows the results of a single large donation.  
2.  Second Half Forecast for Fiscal Year 2014. Operating income is expected to be impacted by library closing.  Without a Director's salary, there appears to be a surplus.  This is an anomaly that is unlikely to be repeated in future years.
3.  Statement of Income and Expense for Friends of the Library Funds.  Spending is on track with a few variances due to timing.  

John Trentacosta moved to accept the Income/Expense Statement for Friends' Funds and to approve a request for the next installment of funds from the Friends.  Bob Geckle seconded, and the motion passed.

4.  Revisions to FY 14-15 Budget. Following a meeting with the Selectmen's Office, revisions were made to the budget to be submitted to the town.  The overall request was reduced by $81,518. A proposed position was eliminated which represented the largest cut to the original request.  

John Trentacosta moved to accept the budget revisions.  Pete Stern seconded, and the motion passed.
Mr. McCarthy reported on the recent Finance Committee meeting which included a report from Don Studley on the audit.  Mr. Studley was complimentary of Meg Savarese, and stated that the Library's accounts are being managed well.  There was also an update on the Trusts.

Mr. McCarthy suggested that we request donor support once again to help cover the significant cost of the insurance deductible and the various "unknown" expenses that may not be immediately quantifiable for insurance purposes.  The Fundraising Committee will work with Librarians to contact donors.

Report of the Library Director: The Director's report was distributed.  It highlights the daily work being done while the Library is closed due to the flooding.  Of particular note is the efforts being made to redesign spaces and create new programs while the Library is closed to the public.  

Committee Reports:

Policies and Personnel:  No report.

Search Process Committee:  Alan Burger of Library Development Solutions presented his background, experience and fee structures for consulting services related to director searches.  He outlined his process for developing strategic plans and leading association libraries  in the hiring of directors.  A successful search would include a mini strategic plan to determine the library's strengths and needs and would take about six months.  

Michael Talluto outlined the expectations of the Search Committee.  
There will be three Trustees, one Library staff person (to be chosen by the Library's department heads), one representative from the Friends of the Library, and two community members (to be chosen by the Search Process Committee) on the Search Committee.  All members will be expected to sign confidentiality agreements.  Michael Talluto, Bob Geckle, Colleen Honan, and Peter Stern (also a member of the Friends) expressed interest in serving on the committee.  The Committee will be named by January 21st with their first meeting held by the end of this month.  The Search Committee will be charged with making a recommendation regarding the use of a consultant in the search for a Director.  

Fund Raising: The topic of a follow-up to the annual appeal was revisited briefly.  The Turkey Trot will need new leadership due to Board turnover.  A Turkey Trot sub-committee will form that will include members of the community who are already invested in the race.  In addition, Jennifer Reilly will be the Chairman of Fundraising until her term expires in July.

Building, Grounds, and Interior: Tom D'Agostino has met with the adjuster and the general contractor   regarding the library flooding.  There is a six-week timeline for the building to be 100% operational.  Remediation will include a temperature sensor to alert staff should the unit heater in the attic fail again to prevent freezing pipes.  Insulation will also be improved in the space surrounding the sprinkler pipes.  

The Library has business interruption insurance which will assist with lost revenues and the employees who are not working due to the closure.   

Newtown Savings Bank has given the Library temporary office space.  The Library staff has been itemizing losses, creating orders for replacement materials and planning for newly designed spaces.  

Long Range Planning: No report.

Friends of the Library Liaison: Pete Stern reported that the Friends sustained minimal damage to their work space in the flooding, and they hope to resume processing of books soon.  In the meantime, donations are being accepted in the Friends' bin at the town dump.

Art Liaison:  On hold while Library is closed.

Historical Liaison: No report.

Nominating Committee: Colleen Honan reported that the Nominating Committee has several resumes, and interviews  will take place to fill vacancies.  There is one vacancy to be filled by the Democratic Town Committee.  

Old Business: An update was given regarding the Iron Mountain condolence material project.  Iron Mountain has requested permission for a press release on the partnership, which has been approved by the Board.  

New Business:  

John Trentacosta moved to adjourn.  Pete Stern seconded.  The motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,  
Jennifer Reilly
CH Booth Library Board of Trustees